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For English word games

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Usage guide


This website purpose is to find English basic form words from given letters. Site can be used as helping tool for different kind of word games like Wordsnack, Scrabble or similar.

The site offers 4 different search forms: Letters search, Anagram search, Joker search and Random. Letters search can be used to figure out what words can be construct from given letters. Anagram search can be used to find anagrams (combination of words) from given letters or words. Joker search can be used to figure out words when some of the letters and their places is known. Random will give random english words to be used for example explanation games.

COPY WORDS -button can be used to copy the result words as list.

Letters Search

Letters search is used to find words in basic English form from given letters. This site can be used to help solve different kind of word games like Word snack, Scrabble or Alfapet.

Letters search is a search form where as many basic English words are tried to be found from given letters. Search is done by entering the letters or word into LETTERS-field from which the basic form words are wanted to be found. Do not use any punctuation marks or spaces in LETTERS-field. Then press FIND WORDS-button. As response, you will receive all words with different length which can be formed from given letters. For example, if you enter EESY you will get response of 23 words including YES, SEE, EYE, EYES. There might be also some short pronouns, abbreviations and plurals found. If you are unsure the meaning of the word, you can press the word and you are forwarded to Wiktionary definition of the word.

If you want to find only words with certain length, you can give the desired length in the WORD LENGTH-field. For example, entering AYCDN into search field with word length of 5 will give you two responses: CANDY and DANCY. You can also use range of lengths (e.g. 4-6) or list of lengths (e.g. 5,7,9) if you want to find several different lengths of words.

Letters search can be also used to find words that can be formed from other word or name. For example, search word RATE will give responses like ARE, ART, RAT, EAT, TEAR. If you set the word length to the length of the search word you can find words that can be formed by rearranging letters. These kinds of words are called anagrams of the word. For example, search word IDEAL with word length 5 will tell you that the anagrams of IDEAL are AILED, LADIE, ELIDA.

With letters search you can investigate and discover also other interesting things: In which longer words every alphabet occurs only ones? This can be done by entering all alphabets into search field like ABCDEFGH… and so on. By using the WORD LENGTH-field quite easy can be found that the longest word containing every alphabet only ones is UNCOPYRIGHTABLES. That is 16 letters long!

Letters search is a great tool for example when you stuck in the Word snack mobile game and can’t find the missing words. Word games are nice entertainment alone and with friends. We encourage to play honestly with others. So please not use WordFromLetters secretly but agree its usage in advance!

And like mentioned: If you don’t know what some response word means, press the word and you will be forwarded to Wiktionary definition of the word.

Anagram search

Anagram search finds anagrams from given words or letters by rearranging the letters. Result anagrams will consists of basic English form words. This site can be used for example to find out the anagrams of your name or to help solve different kind of word games like Word snack, Scrabble or Alfapet.

Anagram search is a search form where as many combination of basic English words are tried to be found from given words or letters. All given letters have to be used. Search is done by entering the letters or words into LETTERS / WORDS-field from which the anagrams are wanted to be found. Then press FIND WORDS-button. As response, you will receive all anagrams (word combinations). For example, if you enter IEOODGSML you will get responses like GOOD SMILE, GOOD SLIME, OILED SMOG.

If you want to find only words with certain length, you can give the desired length in the WORD LENGTH-field. For example, entering AEEIGRTSML into search field with word length of 5 will give you responses like: AGILE TERMS, GREAT SMILE, LARGE TIMES. You can also use range of lengths (e.g. 4-6) or list of lengths (e.g. 5,7,9) if you want to find several different lengths of words.

Anagram search can be used to find anagrams from names. For example one result for MARY CAMERON is ARMY ROMANCE. You can use this for fun, have some puzzle game for guests for your new baby's name or find a nice artist name for yourself.

Anagram search can be used to solve different kind of word games, where you have to figure out as many words so that all the letters have to be used. This might be usefull if you are stuck and need help. Word games are nice entertainment alone and with friends. We encourage to play honestly with others. So please not use WordFromLetters secretly but agree its usage in advance!

If you don’t know what some response word means, press the word and you will be forwarded to Wordnet definition of the word.

There is a lot of complex calculations done in anagram search. For this reason you should not use a long list of search letters. The more letters you gicve the more inportant there is to use the WORD LENGTH restrictions. You can estimate the time remaining by the number insite the loading animation. The search is ready when the count is 100. If it seems that it is taking too much time you can cancel the search with X and try again with less letters or more strict lengths

Joker search

Joker search is used to find suitable basic English form words when only some letters and their places in word are known. Joker search will give list of words suitable for the search as result. This site can be used to help solve different kind of word games like Word snack, Scrabble, Alfapet or different kind of crosswords.

Search is done by entering the letters you know into SEARCH WORD-field and placing question mark (?) in place of all unknown letters. Pressing the FIND WORDS-button will execute the search. As result you will get all the basic form words suitable. For example, the search word LO?ELY will give 3 results: LOVELY, LONELY, LOUELY. If you are unsure the meaning of the word, you can press the word and you are forwarded to Wiktionary definition of the word.

Star (*) operator can be used to replace any number of question marks (?). This can be used when the number of missing letters is unknown. It is handy especially when the start or end of the word is known and all possible words with different lengths is needed to be found. For example, the search word AMAZI* will give results like AMAZING, AMAZINGLY, AMAZINGNESS.

Joker search can be used to list all certain length words which starts with specific letter. For example search Q???? will give results like: QUEST, QUIET, QUOTE, QUICK. The same way can be searched certain length words which ends with specific letter. For example search ???F will give results like: SELF, LEAF, GOLF, WOLF.

These all search features can be combined to make more complex searches. Like finding 7 letters length words which starts with C and there are double R after one unknown letter. This can be searched with C?RR???. This search will give results like CURRENT, CORRECT, CURRANT and CARRY UP. Note that the space in the ford CARRY UP does not count as a letter.

Question mark (?) and star (*) operators can be combined. For example finding words which start with U, followed by two unknown letters and a F and the rest of the word and the length of the word does not matter can be searched with U??F*. Results like UNIFORM, USEFUL and UNIFY can be found.

Joker search can be quite handful tool for crosswords or other word puzzles. And like mentioned: If you don’t know what some response word means, press the word and you will be forwarded to Wiktionary definition of the word.


Random can be used to get random english basic form words. You can use it for example to explanation game like word guessing among friends. The basic idea could be that you have to explanate the word without saying the actual word.

The usage is simple. Give the NUMBER OF WORDS to optionally the WORD LENGTH to strict the length of the result words. Then press GET WORDS-button. You will get your random words with correct length.

Fast usage is even more simplier. Just press GET WORDS-button without entering anything to other fields. You will get 1 random word with random length.

If you want to find only words with certain length, you can give the desired length in the WORD LENGTH-field. You can also use range of lengths (e.g. 4-6) or list of lengths (e.g. 5,7,9) if you want to find several different lengths of words.

Random can be used to fun gaming among friends. For example you can take time how long a certain amounth words can be explained. If the words seems too difficult you can add number of words and decide that the person explaining can choose the easiest word.

It might be also fun to try with more difficult words, for example explain words with lenght 15-20 can be quite challenging. You might get words like CROSS-EXAMINATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or CALL INTO QUESTION